Prayer + Fasting Winter 2020

Join us this January as we set aside special time to seek God and rest in Him before we launch into a new new decade and begin by putting Him first.

We want to encourage everyone to find a way to participate throughout the week. Here are a few ways you can:

Grab a copy of the Prayer + Fasting Guide at Gateway, download it below or follow along on Facebook.

Attend a prayer meeting at Gateway
Sunday at 6pm, Tuesday at 6:30pm and Thusday at 6:30pm.

Pray. Set aside time in your schedule to seek the Lord for our church family.

Download Now

Share prayer requests at the office 250.287.8133 or [email protected]


Celebrate with Us

Christmas is such a special season of celebration. We love this season because it focuses our attention on the reality that God has come! Jesus stepped out of the glory of heaven and came to rescue humanity, making His grand entrance in a humble feeding trough.

Join us for these special events throughout the month of December and celebrate with the Gateway family. Contact us for more details.


Church Christmas Party December 18th 6:00pm

  • Join us for a Dominican themed party. Feliz Navidad!
  • Tickets available Sundays or at the Office
  • Adults $15 | Kids $15 | 5 & Under FREE

Kidz Christmas Party December 22nd 1:00-3:00pm

  • Calling all kids Grade 1-6 for a time of games, gifts and the Christmas story.
  • $5 per Child
  • RSVP to [email protected]

Christmas Eve Services December 24th 5:00pm

  • The Christmas story, carols and candlelight.
  • Hour long service.

    Christmas Day Service December 25th 11:00am

    A special hour long family service to celebrate our God with us.

    Need More Details?

    Dessert with the DelBlancs

    Are you new to the Gateway family in the last 6 months? We want to get to know you better. Come hear a little bit more about the Gateway story and get to know some of our leaders too.

    Pastor Matt and Deanna would like to invite you over to their place for a time of connection and tasty treats. Plan to be there on November 6th at 6:30pm.

    RSVP Today

    Open Door

    Are you looking for a place to connect in relationship with the Gateway family? Open Door is for you. Join in for 6 weeks as we dig into the Gospel of John and take time to encourage one another in our faith. Everyone who attends will receive a great Bible journal so we can engage the scriptures in a fresh way.

    Everyone is welcome to join and we would love to see you this week.


    Wednesday Evenings at 6:30pm

    Beginning September 25th.
    Each session runs about an hour plus snacks.

    For more information contact the office 250.287.8133

    or [email protected]