Bible Interpretation Course

Bible Interpretation Course

The Bible is one of the greatest gifts God has given His church. In it we find all we need for life and godliness. How do we understand what the scriptures are and how do we handle them well?

This course will provide you with knowledge that will build you confidence and ability to apply God’s word to your life and to share it with others.

Everyone is welcome to participate. 

Register for the class today by clicking the link.

Class workbook and lunch are included in registration which can be brought to class.

Calling all Men

Calling all Men

Join us this month for Men’s Breakfast. We gather on the 2nd Saturday of each month to share a tasty (and we actually mean tasty) meal with brothers in Christ. Various men from Gateway will also share a word that will build you in your faith and life.
This week Gord Beck will be sharing and Pat Romero has an incredible menu prepared, including french toast, bacon and coffee.

Meet us downstairs in the main building at 8:30am.

Donations to cover the cost of food are accepted.

Worship Team Meeting

Worship Team Meeting

Thursday, February 13th at 7:00pm

Worship is a vital part of our life together as a church family. Are you interested in joing the team? Do you already serve? You are invited to this meeting where we will worship together, hear from Deanna DelBlanc and eat some snacks too. Meet in the Sanctuary.

Contact Deanna DelBlanc for more details [email protected]

Ladies Bible Study

Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely


Hey Ladies, Ladies Bible Study is back for another powerful study. You will experience a six-session video Bible study called Uninvited. It will help you explore the roots of rejection; the lies we believe as a result; and the truth about who God is, who we are, and what it looks like to live loved. Hosted by our very own Deanna DelBlanc.

We meet in the Church House.  Coffee and Tea will be served.

The Details:


Wednesday Mornings at 10:30am

Beginning January 22nd.

For more information contact the office 250.287.8133

or [email protected]