We are excited to welcome Brett Toft as our guest for Missions Weekend at Gateway. Here is a primer on who he is an how he serves as a Foursquare Missions International missionary:
Brett and his wife Tammy established The River Foursquare Church in Fort Collins, Colorado, in 1994 as a home church planted with a team of six families. Under their leadership, The River has mentored and released five pastors and teams to plant churches in Colorado and Estonia. Brett and Tammy have celebrated 30 years of marriage, and have four great kids: Ronnie, Joelle, Grace and Shelby.
Brett has worked with leaders and churches in the Baltic/Scandinavian region the past 18 years, primarily to encourage and exhort the pastors and to help them to clarify vision and minister effectively in their local churches. In 2006, Brett and Tammy accepted the invitation of Foursquare Missions International to plant a church in Copenhagen, Denmark, and to ultimately establish Foursquare churches in nations throughout the Scandinavian and Baltic region.
They have established Serve The City, a mission to Tallinn, Estonia, and assisted in Budapest, Hungary, Wroclaw and Krakow, Poland, and Helsinki, Finland. Brett serves as an elder in the Fellowship of European Foursquare Churches.
Brett and Tammy’s Blog Add Brett as a Friend on Facebook
Plan to join us this weekend for two special missions events at Gateway. We are excited to have Foursquare missionary Brett Toft with us who will be sharing with us on Saturday and in our Sunday morning service. He and His wife serve our global Foursquare family in the Baltic nations and Scandinavia. Equip and stir your heart for the way God is calling you to reach your city and the nations.
Learn more about how you can share your faith with others. Two sessions with a break in-between taught by Brett Toft and Pastor Galicia. Saturday 9-11am at Gateway.
Bring a dish inspired by your heritage to share. Food items can be brought to the kitchen when you arrive. Sunday right after church
Now that the whole team is settled back in Canada here is an overview of what they were up to through pictures. Are you interested in joining a future team? Contact Peter & Tanya Hofer through the church office at [email protected] or 250.287.8133.
Here is another post from Peter and Tanya Hofer who are serving on a short term missions trip in the Dominican Republic:
We were blessed with the opportunity to help a team of ladies from eastern Canada. A paediatrician, two nurses and a hospital administrator. They did medical checks of the kids at the two schools Servants Heart Ministries works with. Also, they checked the moms and babies at the pregnancy centre along with a question and answer time with the moms. This was a really good opportunity to educate the women and explain to them things like, the baby won’t wash out if you go swimming! The team also hosted a ladies meeting where they baked muffins, had a prayer time and one of the ladies gave her testimony. The meeting was very well received and is another step towards building a women’s group in Loma. Servants Heart has a vision to work with the people of Loma to educate, evangelize and support the community. This includes housing, discipleship training, medical help, and the desire to eventually build a community centre. After a week with Servants Heart the ladies team moved on to a different area of the Dominican to help an evangelist with a crusade in Samana province. The neat thing is, the ladies will be on the same flight as Tanya and I back to Canada, so we will be able to talk to them again.
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go by the house we helped build. Jesus, the homeowner, and his wife were there, it is always so good to see his smiling face. The floor was finished and all the smooth coating was done.
This week Tanya and I are wrapping up any projects and activities that we have started with Servants Heart and will be getting ready to head back to Canada on Dec. 1st. We have taken a few days to enjoy the beauty of the Dominican and support the local economy by staying at a hotel near Puerto Plata. We are looking forward to seeing our family and friends back home, but are definitely sad to leave the beautiful people of this picturesque country and all of our friends in the Dominican, both new and old.
Thank you Lord for the amazing opportunity to be your hands and feet in such an amazing place with such amazing people!