Change for Change 2019

The infant mortality rate in the Dominican Republic is one of the highest in Latin America, but you can help make a change! By partnering with Servant’s Heart Ministries and participating in our Change for Change Campaign you can help save lives!
Danica’s Dream Pregnancy Education Centre is a ministry of Servant’s Heart that has been serving both Dominican and Haitian people for over 5 years. Over 400 women have completed our education program and received the help they need to raise healthy, happy children.
Change for Change runs from Mother’s Day (May 12) to Father’s Day (June 16). Supporters simply collect their change from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day in the provided change container and return them to the church. Your change can CHANGE the life of a baby and mom forever!
The Details:
Pick up a ‘Change for Change’ Baby Bottle at Gateway this Weekend.
Return the bottle by Father’s Day
For more information about Servant’s Heart Ministries find us at
or by email [email protected]