Celebrate with Us

Christmas is such a special season of celebration. We love this season because it focuses our attention on the reality that God has come! Jesus stepped out of the glory of heaven and came to rescue humanity, making His grand entrance in a humble feeding trough.
Join us for these special events throughout the month of December and celebrate with the Gateway family. Contact us for more details.
Church Christmas Party December 18th 6:00pm
- Join us for a Dominican themed party. Feliz Navidad!
- Tickets available Sundays or at the Office
- Adults $15 | Kids $15 | 5 & Under FREE
Kidz Christmas Party December 22nd 1:00-3:00pm
- Calling all kids Grade 1-6 for a time of games, gifts and the Christmas story.
- $5 per Child
- RSVP to [email protected]
Christmas Eve Services December 24th 5:00pm
- The Christmas story, carols and candlelight.
- Hour long service.
Christmas Day Service December 25th 11:00am
A special hour long family service to celebrate our God with us.