Coastlands Kids Camp


Kids camp is just around the corner. If you know of any kids who are looking for a week of fun, faith and new friends register today. Click the picture above and follow the link for more details and to register a camper or as a staff member.

Share the Memories

70th Pics Call

We are preparing to celebrate God’s faithfulness over 70 years of the Foursquare Church in Campbell River. We have some great photos in our archives folder but would love to have lots more. Do you have pictures or memories you would like to share? Drop things off at the church or shoot us an email to [email protected]. They will be shared during our Anniversary Weekend May 13-15. Plan to join us for the celebration at the Tidemark Theatre on the 13th at 7pm.

Submit a Memory Online!

Christmas Eve Services

20151126 Christmas Eve

Come before dinner or after: everyone is welcome to make this a part of your Christmas celebrations. Create plans now with family and friends to enjoy a special Christmas Eve Service at Gateway. These identical hour long services will include traditional carols, the Christmas story, and candle light all in an intimate atmosphere.

403 5th Ave (5th and Colwyn) Campbell River